SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20241127-0 > ======================================================================= title: Stored Cross-Site Scripting product: Omada Identity vulnerable version: This request has to be intercepted and modified, e.g.: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST /workitemdlg.aspx?ACTTEMP=XXX&RURLID=YYY HTTP/1.1 Host: $SERVER Cookie: oissessionid=$MYSESSION [...] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded [...] 1000104=Need+hello+access+and+bigfun&1000102=I+would+like+to+request+access+to+%5Bspecify+system%5D+so+I+can+perform+my+%5Bspecify+duties%5D+duties+related+to+my+work+as+a+%5Bspecify+position%5D. [...] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards, anyone who reviews the "History" of this access request will be affected by the stored JavaScript code. Users who review the history requests are usually managers who have to approve this request, so this vulnerability allows reliably affecting higher-privileged users. <1-2_trigger_xss.png> Vulnerable / tested versions: ----------------------------- The following version of the on-prem solution has been tested which was the latest version available at the time of the test: * Previous versions of v14.14 hotfix #309 are affected according to the vendor, as well as